Sh. Tara Chand Sarvhitkari Vidya Mandir

Affiliated to

Affiliation no.
M.K.S. 6308 XII


  • Tuition fee must be paid by 10th of every month.
  • Students whose fee is not paid by the 10th of the month will have to pay late fee fine of Rs. 10 if pays between 10th of the month to 20th of the month & late fee fine of Rs. 30 if pays between 20th of the month to 10th of the next month.
  • Students whose fee is not paid by the last date of the month the name of such student will be struck off the school register.
  • Fee is to be paid between 8:00 am to 12:00 noon (Summer) & 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.(Winter) on all working days.
  • Fee and other charges once paid shall not be refunded for any reason.

June & July               15th May to 31st May

Aug. & Sep.              1st Aug. to 10th Aug.

Oct. & Nov.              1st Oct. to 10th Oct

Tuition Fee

Tuition fee must be paid by 10th of every month. Late fee will be charged thereafter.

Refund of Fees

Fee once paid will not be refunded in case the child is withdrawn at parent’s request.

Session :- 2022-23

Bus Fee



Teacher Ward300
4th Class Imp.4 Month Fee
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